Specialty Groups serve as a major communication vehicle for members practicing within a specialized field of expertise or industry, and are an important tool in realizing the value of membership. Participation in a Specialty Group provides members with resources to better serve clients, and to promote and grow their own practices.
Through participation members can:
Share knowledge and best practices with a worldwide alliance of similarly focused professionals;
Cultivate relationships that lead to referrals and other client development opportunities;
Promote their practice or industry focus to members searching for an experienced practitioner within their industry;
Provide a resource for member firms seeking to fill gaps in a practice or industry area; and
Develop multi-jurisdictional teams for the purpose of marketing to clients with worldwide needs.
Specialty Groups accomplish all of the above through a variety of avenues, including meetings held at and between TAG Alliances International Conferences and Regional Meetings, Specialty Group web pages & forums, email exchanges when common issues arise, as well as other activities.
How can you participate in a Specialty Group?
We encourage members to take full advantage of participation in Specialty Groups. Members interested in joining a Specialty Group should contact their firm's TAG Alliances contact. The TAG Alliances contact or firm's designated TAG Alliances web information administrator can register their professionals for Specialty Groups. Additionally, interested professionals can contact helpdesk@tagalliances.com.