
I-SEM and the Impact On Renewable Energy in Ireland – An Update

As the new European supermarket for wholesale electricity is upon us, we examine how the Irish government proposes to accommodate renewable energy.

Less than a year from today, Ireland will implement the Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM), replacing the existing SEM which we have had since 2007. At present, the target date for go live implementation is 23 May 2018. For those of you within the industry who have been living under a rock for the past six years, this is a new Europe-wide trading platform for energy. The platform has been conceived against a background of intra-Europe cross-border trade that has personified the European Union's principles of free trade and integration.

The aim is to encourage more efficient electricity flows across Europe with the introduction of short term day ahead and intra-day trading.

Read the entire article.

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