Ordinance no. 102-A/2021 of 14/05
Ordinance no. 102-A/2021 of 14/05 was published, which regulates the new incentive to the normalization of business activity and the simplified support for micro enterprises to maintain jobs.
The simplified support for micro-enterprises to maintain jobs is aimed at micro-enterprises that are in a situation of business crisis and that have benefited, only in 2020, from extraordinary support to maintain a work contract or extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity. The support is worth twice the minimum monthly guaranteed salary (RMMG) per worker covered by those supports, to be paid in phases over six months. There is also the payment of additional support in the amount of one RMMG for companies that remain in a situation of business crisis in the month of June 2021.
The new incentive to normalize business activity consists of a financial support per worker who has been covered, in the first quarter of 2021, by the extraordinary support to maintain the employment contract or by the extraordinary support to the gradual resumption of activity.
Being required until 31 May 2021:
- This incentive has the value of two RMMG and is paid in a six-month phased manner;
- In addition to this incentive, there is the right to a partial waiver of 50% of the payment of social security contributions to be borne by the employer, with reference to the workers covered, during the first two months of the support.
When applied for between 1 June 2021 and 31 August 2021, the incentive has the value of one RMMG and is paid in a lump sum, corresponding to a support period of three months.
The diploma took effect on 15 May 2021.