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Member Articles

A Survival Guide To The New Super Reforms in Australia

Contact: Donna Khoe With the effective date for the super reforms fast approaching on 1 July 2017, there are numerous planning opportunities available before 30 June 2017. We’ve set out a quick guide to assist y ...

SALT TALK: "I'm Just a Bill" - Mobile Workforce Legislation (Re)Introduced

Contact: Wayne Berkowitz CPA, J.D., LL.M. There is a joke that starts with three mothers sitting around discussing the professions of their respective sons. The first mother bragged about her son the doctor and all wer ...

You Cannot Stop a Clock Before It Starts

Contact: Michael Hibberd A recent Tribunal decision has held that time spent in ACAS Early Conciliation (“EC”) before a limitation period starts cannot extend the time limit for bringing a claim. In Fergu ...

Michael Sippitt for the Independent: "The UK has a poor track record when it comes to worker's rights – and Brexit is set to make it worse"

Following on from the signing of Article 50 last week, Michael Sippitt (Clarkslegal Chairman) speaks to the Independent online about the impact of Brexit on worker's rights- and what we can do to alleviate the damage. Y ...

Seeking cover under another party’s insurance in Australia

Contact: Stephen White, Partner and Milton Latta, Senior Associate It is often the case in multi-party litigation that one party will seek cover under another party’s insurance policy based on an insurance covena ...

Fatigue management and ‘shared responsibility’ in Australia

Contact: Glenn Biggs, Partner As many of Carter Newell’s heavy transport and logistics clients are well aware, the Heavy Vehicle National Law seeks to enforce a proactive sharing or ‘Chain of Responsibilit ...


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