Legal Expertise
Taxation, with an emphasis on tax controversy with the IRS, California Franchise Tax Board, California Employment Development Department, and other state and local taxing authorities. Representation of non-profit entities and charitable gift planning.
Industry Focus
Individuals, corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax exempt entities.
Key Professional Accomplishments
* Successfully represented numerous clients in disuputes with the IRS and California Employment Development Department concerning the classification of workers as employees versus independent contractors.
* Successfully represented a well-known motion picture director in a dispute with the IRS and California Franchise Tax Board.
* Assisted in the IRS examination of a well-known international company in the entertainment and toy manufacturing business.
* As an attorney for the IRS, served as lead counsel on numerous examinations and Tax Court cases against well-known business people, entertainers, and athletes.
Professional, Business, and Civic Affiliations
* Editor, MS&K Charitable Sector Letter
* Chairman, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Taxation Section, Entertainment Tax Committee
* Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP), a Federal Advisory Committee to the International Revenue Service
* Former Chairman, Los Angeles County Bar Association Young Tax Lawyers (1993-1994)
Other Career Experience
* Former Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the IRS (1991-1995)
* Specialist in two IRS Market Segment Specialization Programs: entertainers/athletes and gasoline retailers
Court Admissions
* California, 1985
* U.S. District Court, 1985
* U.S. Tax Court, 1991
University of California Los Angeles School of Law, J.D., 1985; Moot Court Honors Program
University of California Berkeley, B.S., 1992; Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting Honor Society) Kraft Scholarship