Bathiya, Anand

Bathiya, Anand

• Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a qualified Company Secretary.
• Bachelor at Commerce and Economics and Bachelor at Law.
• Post-graduate Diploma-holder in Securities Law and Post-Qualification Diploma-holder in Information Systems Audit.
• Engaged in advising leading companies in identifying, negotiating, structuring, due diligence and executing complex, domestic and international Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). Involved and advised one of India’s largest domestic merger transaction in recent times.
• Closely engaged in assisting Indian corporates in raising equity resources through listing on the Indian and international capital markets; venture capital, private equity, institutional placements, international bond issuances, FCCBs, etc. Involved in many Initial Public Offer (IPO) advisory and private equity fund-raising exercises.
• Assisting companies in relation to complex financial reporting requirements including first-time implementation of IFRS IND-AS. Part of the team with audited India’s largest IFRS financial statements in that year. Hands on specialist experience in handling issues in relation to business combinations and financial instruments.
• Involved in various corporate consulting, group restructuring, fund advisory and financial reporting assignments with leading companies and assisting them in business, financial, strategic and reporting needs.
• Co-opted member of the sub-group constituted for formulating and recommending Valuation Standards to the Ministry of Company Affairs of Government of India.
• Managing Committee member of the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society (BCAS) and Co-opted member on various committees over the years of Western India Regional Council (WIRC) – Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Chamber of Tax Consultants, etc.
• Invited speaker at various gatherings for Ministry of Corporate Affairs, ICAI, ICSI, WIRC, BCAS, business schools and other bodies of professional interests on subjects relating to corporate law, investment banking, raising resources through private equity, financial engineering, corporate restructuring, M&As, IPOs, etc.
• Closely involved with various entrepreneurs in mentoring and assisting various new-age businesses in the FinTech space and active member of Young Leaders’ Forum of the Indian Merchants Chamber and The Indus Entrepreneur (TiE).
• Author of various articles and reports on M&A, IPO, Securities Laws, IFRS, Corporate Laws, Financial Engineering, etc.
• Represents as Independent Director on boards of listed companies.